Mahindra Bolero 9-seater car with premium features launched in low budget. Mahindra’s cool cars are becoming very famous one after the other in the Indian market. Now Mahindra is bringing Boloro New Plus. This month, Bolero will be launched in the Indian market with two variants and many color options.

Mahindra Bolero Neo Plus Feature
If we talk about the strong features of Mahindra Bolero’s 9-seater car, then you will also be provided with many features in it. Such as a 9 inch digital collector with tachometer facility, Music System, Bluetooth Connectivity, USB Charging Port, Air Conditioner, Automatic Climate Control, Front and Power Window, Passenger Airbag facility, Multi functional steering wheel, in side profile. This car will provide facilities like alloy wheels.
Mahindra Bolero Neo Plus Engine
Talking about the strong engine of Mahindra Bolero’s 9-seater car, you will also be given a 2184 cc 2.2L mHawk engine in it. And this engine produces 118.35bhp power and 280 Nm torque power. Along with that, you will also be given the facility of 6 speed manual gear box.
Mahindra Bolero Neo Plus Price
The range of Mahindra Bolero 9-seater car is said to be around Rs 11.39 lakh in the Indian market. Mahindra Bolero 9-seater car with premium features launched in low budget
Mahindra Bolero Neo Plus Mileage
Talking about the best mileage of Mahindra Bolero’s 9-seater car, it will also provide you a tremendous mileage of 17km. Mahindra Bolero’s 9-seater car with premium features launched in a low budget.
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ताकि उन लोगो तक भी यह जानकारी पहुच सके जिन्हें Mahindra Bolero Neo Plus की जानकारी का लाभ उन्हें भी मिल सके|’
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